See Jenn Run

Monday, September 27, 2004

How it all began...

Two years ago, I watched on television as nearly fifteen thousand people ran through Virginia Beach during the Rock & Roll 1⁄2 Marathon, and I told myself that I would enter the race the following year. I was not a runner at all at that point, so this was a rather lofty goal. However, I had heard about The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training on television, so when the following spring rolled around, I remembered that promise I had made to myself. I joined TNT in March. By August, I had raised nearly $2000 and had trained well enough that I crossed that finish line in 2:52:18 on August 31, 2003, after running 13.1 miles. Not bad at all for a beginner!

I could have entered the marathon on my own or trained through any of several local gyms, but I chose Team in Training because it gave me the opportunity to train and meet new people while supporting an EXCELLENT cause: cancer research, patient services, and education.

This year, I didn't run int the RNR Half, but I did volunteer handing out Powerade at the finish line. I was inspired by all of the athletes who passed me over the course of about four hours, but I was even more inspired by so many hundreds of purple TNT jerseys. I spoke to the coaching staff and decided to get involved (and in amazing shape) again. This time my fundraising goal is $4000 and I'm training for another half marathon in January and a full marathon (26.2 miles!) in March.

I have not yet decided which 1/2 marathon to run in January, but my choices are Disney and Rock & Roll Arizona. Either way, I plan to continue training (and fundraising) until I cross the finish line at the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach.

So wish me luck! And please consider supporting me by donating to this excellent cause! All the information you need is on these pages. Please feel free to pass this web address around - I can't do it without you!

Donate Online Here!


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