See Jenn Run

Sunday, January 29, 2006

january 18, 2006

activities: 3 mile walk/run (1.5 mile run @ 12 minute pace, 1.5 mile walk @ 14 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1613

my mom surprised me yesterday with cameraphone pics of moving vans and peach houses - they moved back to va beach without telling anyone until they were already here! :) so today i went to see her new place after work, and i brought my running clothes with me. she lives about .25 mile from the boardwalk, but the street that runs directly to the ocean is closed, so i found another path to the boardwalk which was about a half a mile, and then i walked/ran on the boardwalk for a mile and a half and took a longer way back to her house through the neighborhoods. i measured the route and it was just about 3 miles.

january 18, 2006

activities: 3 mile walk/run (1.5 mile run @ 12 minute pace, 1.5 mile walk @ 14 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1613

my mom surprised me yesterday with cameraphone pics of moving vans and peach houses - they moved back to va beach without telling anyone until they were already here! :) so today i went to see her new place after work, and i brought my running clothes with me. she lives about .25 mile from the boardwalk, but the street that runs directly to the ocean is closed, so i found another path to the boardwalk which was about a half a mile, and then i walked/ran on the boardwalk for a mile and a half and took a longer way back to her house through the neighborhoods. i measured the route and it was just about 3 miles.

january 17, 2006

activities: beach body workout

calories consumed: 1605

january 16, 2006

activities: zen sculpt workout, 3 mile walk in the park w/ joy and eli - 3 miles at a fairly brisk pace (about 15 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1546

january 15, 2006

weight: 170 (-11)

body fat: 30%

activities: rest day

calories consumed: 1620

woo hoo! what a nice sight this morning - i knew i had kind of blown up over the holidays. i didn't feel quite as pudgy and gross in october and november as i did in december. i hadn't weighed myself in close to a year, though, so i had no idea how heavy i had gotten and when i really gained the weight. it's great to know i can be healthy, stick with my new diet/lifestyle, and get fit and lose 11 pounds in two weeks. :-D

january 14, 2006

activities: 5 mile walk/run @ the gym (34 minutes on elliptical trainer, 14 minutes jogging pace, 20 minutes walk pace + 29 minutes on treadmill, 16 minutes jogging, 13 minutes jogging = 63 minutes to run 5 miles/12.6 minute pace)

calories consumed: 2047

so it was my second long run day, and i decided to go to the rec center for a fitness expo that was going on. i got there early, at 9 when they opened up, and got over an hour of exercise in. i also got a free body fat assessment (30%) and a free 15 minute massage! fantastic. i do have one concern with the body fat percentage, though, 'cause i had just finished a workout and was told that might cause problems with the results. i plan to go back in a few weeks and get one before a workout to see what the difference is. hopefully it's lower either way!

after working out, i headed to joy's to pick her up 'cause we were meeting all the girls (except melissa) in hampton for lunch at joe's crab shack. considering the whole day (breakfast early before workout, a spinach wrap salad after the run, a huge yummy salad at joe's, and pizza and beer in the evening with wendell and kelley at cogan's), i think i did pretty well calorie-wise. it was my second 2000+ day since i started eating more healthy food, but i could have done much worse. i made good choices, ate very little dressing on the salad(s), left most of the pizza crust on my plate, and had light beer instead of what i would normally have had at cogan's. :) we'll see how the scale responds tomorrow morning...

january 13, 2006

activities: beach body workout, 30 minute bike ride (moderate pace), 22 minute walk @ 14 minute pace, .5 mile run @ 12 minute pace.

calories consumed: 1765

january 11, 2006

activities: rest day

calories consumed: 1957

felt hungry, like binge hungry, like i'm gonna eat something i know i shouldn't hungry, today for the first time this year. i was going to give blood, but the computers were down and i wanted to get to a movie at 3:15. i was so tempted to eat popcorn at the theatre. i had brought my own crackers, but i finished them before i got there, so i bought my ticket and then drove back to the mall, to subway, and at least then i got something fairly healthy, a veggie wrap with a little bit of fat free honey mustard (which had too much sugar, now that i look back on it). so i went to the movie and then back to the blood donation center and was able to give (which justifies my lack of activity today).

the only thing i now regret is that i ate an entire oatmeal cream pie. they don't have the same snacks they used to, and i figured that was a good choice. not! 350 calories! what a freaking calorie bomb! and 14 grams of fat! there was almost nothing to the damn thing. i'd rather have a piece of pie or some ranch dressing through a straw than an oatmeal cream pie for that many calories. damn. but, you know, i gave blood today, so i can eat something really unhealthy, i guess.

january 10, 2006

activities: zen sculpt, 2 mile run/walk (1 mile run @ 12 minute pace, 1 mile walk @ 14 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1605

January 9, 2006

activities: zen sculpt, 1 hour and 20 minute fairly brisk walk w/ joy (mileage unknown), 6 minutes jogging, 1.5 mile run/walk on treadmill (1 mile run @ 12.5 minute pace, .5 mile walk @ 14 minute pace).

calories consumed: 1546

great day today - started new semester, all went well, moved into new office, had to walk about 6 blocks round trip, went to joy's, walked in her neighborhood (hermitage museum) for an hour and twenty minutes, about 6 minutes of that jogging, then hit the rec center on the way home and did 1.5 miles, 1 mile of that jogging, and i jogged faster than i've been able to so far (avg. 12.5 minute mile).

it was a beautiful day and was really nice to get some exercise in with a friend - joy and i had been trying to get together since she moved back to town in october

Saturday, January 28, 2006

january 8, 2005

weight: 175

activities: rest day

calories consumed: 1849

fantastic! i lost 6 pounds this week! :-) :-) :-)

january 7, 2005

activities: 50 minute indian dance workout, 4 mile walk/run (2 miles @ 13 minute pace, 2 miles @ 15 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1849

january 6, 2005

activities: zen sculpt (50 minute pilates/yoga/tai chi workout w/weights), 2 mile run/walk (1 mile run @ 13 minute pace, 1 mile walk @ 15 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1844

january 5, 2006

activities: 2 mile walk/run (1 mile run @ 13 minute pace, 1 mile walk @ 15 minute pace)

calories consumed: did not keep track

january 3, 2006

day two

activities: 2 mile run/walk (1 mile run @ 13 minute pace, 1 mile walk @ 15 minute pace)

calories consumed: didn't keep track of calories today

january 2, 2006

day one

weight: 181 pounds

activity: 2 mile run/walk (1 mile run @ 13 minute pace, 1 mile walk @ 15 minute pace)

calories consumed: 1776 calories

this is it, the beginning of the year and the beginning of a new, healthier me. i'm training for two events during the shamrock sportsfest this year - an 8k walk on saturday, march 18 and a half marathon walk/run on sunday, march 19. hopefully i can get some people together to train with me and to help me raise money for MDA as part of owen's runners.